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Your search for '' has returned 87 results

  1. Ferryhill Terrace, Aberdeen

    Ferryhill Terrace, Aberdeen

    Published: 30 Jul 2024 Ownerless property
  2. Land at, Belgrave Terrace, Glasgow

    Land at, Belgrave Terrace, Glasgow

    Published: 31 Jul 2024 Ownerless property
  3. Kirn Post Office, Dunoon

    Kirn Post Office, Dunoon

    Published: 31 Jul 2024 Ownerless property
  4. Lion Chambers, Glasgow

    Lion Chambers, Glasgow

    Published: 31 Jul 2024 Ownerless property
  5. Repayment of funds to restored companies

    How to claim a refund of company funds from KLTR

  6. Ultimus haeres


  7. What is an estate (ultimus haeres)?

    Where a person domiciled in Scotland dies without leaving a Will and has no known or traceable successors, then their assets (such as land, buildings and shares

  8. National Ultimus Haeres Unit

    The National Ultimus Haeres Unit has been set up to investigate estates in Scotland which fall to the Crown as ultimus haeres.

  9. Deaths in care homes

    Arranging a funeral for an Ultimus haeres death

  10. Deaths Being Investigated as Potential UH Estates

    Deaths Being Investigated as Potential UH Estates