The Executive Management Team

Executive Management Team (EMT)

The Executive Management Team regularly meets to discuss and make decisions on operational delivery and progress against business and strategic plan objectives. The Team comprises the individual Heads of the teams within the KLTR Office.

Meetings of the Executive Management Team are chaired by the Chief Finance Officer. The Chief Executive also attends these meetings.

The purpose of the EMT is to provide leadership to the KLTR Office, contribute to the KLTR’s strategy, and ensure effective delivery of the operations and strategic objectives.

The responsibilities of the EMT are to:

  • make decisions about the strategic priorities and, as and where appropriate, to make decisions on key operational matters, processes, policies, new projects and schemes.
  • provide advice to the Chief Executive on resourcing and resource allocation.
  • provide advice to the Chief Executive on other matters and topics as may be requested from time to time by the Chief Executive.
  • provide advice and recommendations to the Chief Executive regarding the agenda for the Advisory Board.

be responsible for Risk Management within KLTR.

  1. Terms of Reference


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